About Marilyn: Travel seems to be the word that would characterize her years since LHSW as Marilyn and her husband moved through countries and the provinces of Canada. She has been known to say that an open suitcase in her room speaks to her of adventure. In their move to Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Marilyn and her husband discovered what it means to have a relationship with Christ, which prompted their desire to follow Him in obedience. That happening led them to Bible School in Regina, Saskatchewan a few years later when they wanted to better equip their family for service in ministry and life. From there God led them into pastoral ministry in Spruce Grove, Alberta; Nipawin, Saskatchewan and now Luseland, Saskatchewan. They left a daughter & her family in Edmonton, Alberta (½ hour from Spruce Grove) and their son & his family in Nipawin. They're currently halfway between their kids serving their 10th year in Luseland Alliance Church. Their move to Luseland introduced them to Luseland Bible Camp. Marilyn is now entering her 5th year serving there as Camp Director. The fast pace of youth ministry has been exciting to say the least. Details and happenings can be found on their Luseland Bible Camp Facebook page or at www.cssm.ca/luseland.
Social justice has caught Marilyn's attention and is currently re-adjusting her priorities. This past year she has been privileged to take part in a mission trip to Laos where they met to pray with and for young women rescued from the sex trade industry. As they learn more of such happenings within our own countries, they work to defend the dignity of those most vulnerable: women and children for whom the average target age is 13 years (www.defenddignity.ca). Marilyn has also been blessed to lead a youth mission team to Mexico City this past Easter. These trips are great opportunities to expose youth to a new culture and give opportunities for God to transform lives in the process. It's their prayer that God would break our hearts with what breaks His... seeing youth step out of comfort zones & their willingness to serve as God leads melts Marilyn's heart and she is sure it causes Him to smile 🙂