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Graduating Class - Found and Contacted (121)
The committee has found everyone in the class! We have made contact with all of the classmates listed in this section; the rest are deceased. Classmates with pages in the online Memory Book are listed in bold typeface.
Kathryn L (Borgert) Apel
Lorne J Archer
Timothy L Baldinger
Susan R (Simpson) Bales
Emily G. (Hansen) Bango
Gayle N (Rainbow) Barnum
Bradley S Bianchi
Virginia J Borrusch
Karl A Braun
Robert E Burnham
Gerald (Jerald) Bussey
Kathleen M (Wind) Buuck
Peggy A Campbell
Peter L Cardeccia
Linda L (Jehle) Collison
Carl V Davis
Carla A (Bitner) Davis
Karen A Davis
Dianne L Druckenmiller
Jeannine N (Priebe) Duetemeyer
Judith M (Morris) Fabis
Marilyn L (Kirk) Ferrell
Rollie M Fisher
Jay W Floetke
Charles M Foster
Marcia E (McConnell) Frame
David H Gabler
Shirley A (Ijames) Girty
Robert J Glotzhober
Robert C Gourley Sr
Sandra L (Croft) Greene
Cheryl A (Davis) Grimm
Mark H Haarz
Donald E Hale
William C Hammons
Jodie L Hare
Thomas L Hathaway
Douglas T Hicks
Arthur G Hoch
Carol J (Bostick) Hochthanner
Joan M (Walker) Hoeft
Clifford G Hughes
Michael W Humes
Daniel W Jeffery Sr
Kathleen L (Haller) Jewell
Peggy A (McCauley) Joiner
Rebecca J (Knorp) Jones
Irwin C Jopps
Sally A (Meyer) Jopps
Thomas L Keller
Christina S Kionka
Janice L (Varley) Komer
Thomas E Krauth
Ardith C (Mabry) Kremkow
Frederick E Krey
Thomas R Kroeger
Roy O Kronsbein
Robert P Lang Jr
Sandra C Lapham
Robert E Lawrence
Pamela L (Zimmer) Legowsky
Shari-Lynn R (Stock) Lloyd
Paul R Loeber
David K Lohrmann
Thomas W Lonsdale
Michael A Loughner
Beverly G (Bauder) Luce
Barry W Ludwig
Evelyn F (Vecsernyes) Lustila
Marilyn H (Wall) Martin
Paula J (Greene) Matrosic
Susan L (Pociask) Matschekowski
Terry E Matthews
Donald W Maul
Douglas R Maxemovich Sr
Susan H (Mashburn) McGregor
Keith E Miller II
Mark L Miller
Linda S (Kurth) Mobius
Edward R Morris
Naomi L Moyer
Janet L (Tessmann) Mulligan
John H Murphy III
William L Musick
Robert L Newland
Sandra K (Lee) Niemi
Thomas R Palmer
Bruce R (Pawlak) Nacey
Dennis H Pellicci
Martha J (Johnson) Petering
Nancy K (Chesik) Piernan
David H Potes
Judith A (Ikonen) Raitz
Miriam M (Maki) Rakow
Linda R (Bruckner) Rebert
Barbara E (Sperry) Reiher
Nancy J Reppke
Darlayn J (Dirks) Rigby
Jane M (Semanie) Ritter
Susan M (King) Robinson
Richard J Rock
Kenneth B Ruth
Ronald G Schaar
Nancy L (Muske) Schatz
Dennis R Schmelzer
William R Schwartz
Barbara L (Lauer) Schwede
Susan C Shaffer
Linda L (Lock) Skronek
Robert N Splittgerber
Linda E (Tutak) Stehli
Holger L Stier
Lawrence A Temerowski
Randall C Upton
Darrell J VanZant
Frank L Vatai
Gwen (Samara) T (Joseph) Wade
Joel H Whitfield
Daniel E Wilks
Kathie A (Beckman) Williams
James S Young
Click here for a memorial page
Deceased (21)
Click here for a memorial page
It has been confirmed the following individuals have passed away.
Stanley J Addison [2015]
Gary L (Godfrey) Anderson [2009]
Susan M Barker
Patricia C (Sadler) Berlin [2007]
Robert E Boehne [2016]
Patsy C (Austin) Campbell [2008]
Carol Joyce (Kappel) Choitz [2001]
Kathie M Headapohl [2017]
Bernard J Howard [2011]
Wanda J Judkins [1966]
Rickey W Kern [1970]
Frederick G Koeslin [2004]
Reginald McCanham [2012]
Ilene M (Cynova) Milz [2012]
Arthur O Raschefsky (Rasch) [1990]
Kaye E (Braun) Sherron [2014]
Diana M (Nordlie) Schukowsky [2015]
Frederick J Simonson [2006]
Jack N Skiver [2011]
Flora L (Miller) Wagman [2008]
Hal J Wiessbock [2021]
Classmates Who Left Before Our Senior Year (86)
These classmates were members of the Class of 1966 sometime between 1962 and 1965. Those we have contacted, are indicated with a +. If you are in contact with, or know the whereabouts of anyone not so designated, please let the committee know.
Randall Adams (1963)
Sandra Allstaedt+ (1964)
Carol Baker (1963)
Dennis Bertouille (1963)
James Botts (1963)
Linda Brokenshire (1963)
Douglas Brown (1963)
Denise Burger (1963-1964)
William Burdt (1963)
Lynnese Cairgle (1963)
Thomas Campbell (1963)
Jack Carclay (1963)
Pat Carter (1963)
Daniel Cicero* (1963-1965)
Francine Collins (1963)
Maurice Crawford (1963)
Richard Cuppy (1963)
Kenneth Demps (1963)
Pamela Evans (1964)
Nancy Farmer+ (1964-1965)
Amber Fedrigo (1964)
John Felix (1963-1965)
Clyde Flack (1963)
Marlene Foster (1964)
Richard Geha (1963)
Robert Geha (1963)
Dawn Hazel (1963)
Gregory Heldt (1963-1965)
Gerald Hnidy (1963)
David Hoffman (1963)
Susan Hoppe (1963-1964)
Von Anton Jansma (1963-1964)
Thomas Johnson (1964)
Patrick Kaiser (1963-1965)
Martin Kenly (1963)
Dennis Kuhn (1963)
Jill Lambert (1963)
Judy Lambert (1963)
Kristin Larsen (1963-1965)
Frederick Lemke (1963-1964)
Timothy Lienau* (1963)
Darin Livermore* (1963)
John Lockwood (1963)
Sharon Machel (1963-1965)
William Mackenzie (1963)
Diane Martin (1964)
Clifton Bruce Meier+ (1963)
Gregory Mellema (1963-1964)
Patricia Merlo (1963)
Sharon Mettie (1963)
Paul Meyer (1963-1965)
Craig Miller (1963-1965)
James Nall (1963-1965)
Jill Oliver (1963)
Rosemarie Olsson (1963)
Craig Parker (1963)
Elaine Parker (1963-1965)
Larry Parker (1964)
Peter Primm (1963-1964)
Janice Pullin (1963)
Robert Radovan (1964)
Diane Rollins (1963)
Christian Rummel (1963)
Nancy Saunders* (1963)
Marilyn Schaibley (1963)
Denis Schmidt (1963-1964)
Joel Schmitz (1963-1965)
Gordon Sherk (1963)
Roger Shingler+ (1963-1965)
Katherine Shockey (1963)
Sandra Simonsen (1964)
Ronald Sommerville (1963)
Earle Sutton (1963)
Kenneth Tabor (1963-1965)
Carl Temple (1965)
Jacquelin Tendering (1965)
John Thomas (1963)
Dennis Trudell (1963)
Robert VanSickle (1964)
Carol Venegas (1963)
Robert Veness (1963)
Sharon Warwick (1963)
Wayne Weston (1963-1964)
Robert Wilson (1964)
Robert Zander+ (1963)
Gregory Zehnder (1963)